Sunday, January 20, 2008

Exciting News!

Again, sorry for the lack of bloggage, but to make up for it... here is some Exciting News:

Exciting News #1: My new van! Well, new to me. It's actually pretty old (1993) and pretty shabby looking. But it runs, and we needed a van. It'll be great for loading up with camping gear and going on road trips (well, short ones. I wouldn't trust with any long-distance ones. LOL). Here's a picture of Bluebell in all her peeling glory:

I hope to get my license (yes, finally!) in the next few weeks. I'll need it to get me to....

Exciting News #2: My new job! It's at the local elementary school's after-school program. I help the kids with their homework, doing some tutoring, and then helping out with the craft class. It's only 6 hours a week (2 hours a day, Tues-Thurs), but I wouldn't want much more than that, since I really don't want to give up time with my kids or my shop. But it's a little extra money that'll definitely help, expecially in saving for...

Exciting News #3: A new baby! That's right, Exciting News #3 IS child number three! We've known for quite a while, but wanted to wait to announce it the Internetz. I'm around 16 weeks, due around the first of July, just a few days before Isaiah's second birthday. I know it's going to be crazy, but we both wanted another one, and decided sooner would be better than later. We are definitely planning another homebirth, as there is NO way I'd ever give birth in a hospital again (without something major going on).

Anyways, I'll talk more about all 3 later. Now, I must get back to sewing while the kids are playing quietly (well, as quietly as two toddlers CAN play).


Meredith said...

Congratulations times three!

Trendy Tots said...

Congrats on all you exciting news!

Jody Sanders said...


Jodi @ Happy House Quilts said...

Wow! The van looks awesome! You'll need vinyl stickers with your etsy shop addy on them...busymomcreations sells

we keep stickers on the inside roof of our van...this van looks like a sticker van for sure! Love the daisy!!!

Ah camping! Fun memories ahead!

Jen (Mama's Magic Studio) said...

woo hoo! congrats to you!!!