Sunday, August 12, 2007

Six Weird Things About Me

I've Been Tagged by Mama's Magic THE RULES: Each player of this game starts with the 6 weird things about yourself. People who get tagged need to write on their own blog their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog. #1 - I hate soggy cereal. So, the way I eat cereal is by pouring a bowl of milk, and a cup of cereal. I will then put 1-2 pieces at a time in the bowl and eat it. I can keep track of all the cereal and not have any get "lost" in the milk and turn into mush in the bottom of the bowl. *shudders* #2 - I'm afraid of escalators. I'd rather take the stairs and almost always do if I have a choice. I just get so nervous and panicky. (I had no idea why, until I mentioned it to my mom. She said when I was around 3, we were at the mall. I wandered a couple feet away, stepped on the escalator and was freaking out, how it was carrying me away from my mommy.) #3 - I can't do basic math in my head. I'm such a visual person, I have to physically see the problem... I can't manipulate objects/figures in my head at all. I probably look like a dunce, when I have to write down simple addition and subtraction problems. *blushes* #4- I'm obsessed with the Discovery show How Its Made. I rarely watch TV, but I do watch this show several times a week. I find it mesmorizing. Although, I prefer the handmade products, as opposed the mass-produced ones. The latter can be a bit scary, seeing the sheer number being made in such a short time. A bit depressing, thinking our materialistic our society is. Still love the show, though. I think it's the catchy music. #5 - Whenever I pass a car with a headlight out, I say "Popeye!". My dad and I used to do it... and it's always stuck with me. Even when no one else in the car knows what I'm talking about, and looks at me funny. LOL #6 - I find the sound of the refridgerator running at night comforting. I don't know why, I just do. I *think* it's because being on the second story, I couldn't really hear it at home. But whenever I stayed the night at my Gramma's, I slept in the living room and could hear it. So, maybe sub-consciously I associate the sound with my Gramma... and we all know thoughts of grandmas are usually happy and warming! I'm not sure who to tag... it's almost 2am and my brain is starting to fall asleep on me. Tell ya what, I'll break the rules and if you read this and haven't been tagged, go post 6 weird things about you on your blog and a link back, leave a comment on this post, and I'll add your name to this post. (*ducks any tomatoes being thrown at me for not following the directions*)


Angela said...

I love the refrigerator association. That takes me back,too. And the smell of woodsmoke and oil of olay.

Abby said...

Wow I do everything except 5 and 6.

Jen (Mama's Magic Studio) said...

thanks for playing! the cereal thing is too funny. i dislike soggy cereal too but i hadn't considered taking it to that extreme. sounds like a good idea to me, though -- lol!

Jen (Mama's Magic Studio) said...
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