Thursday, November 29, 2007

A Boy of Little Words...

Today, a couple ladies from Early Intervention came up to the house. We're seeing if Isaiah (almost 17m) qualifies for any services since he still isn't talking at all. I've really been back and forth on this decision. I've had people tell me "Yes, call immediately! The earlier they catch problems, the better" and others say "No, he's perfectly fine. My kid didn't talk until X years old." But, after putting it off for a couple months and seeing very little progress, I decided to call. Both of them were REALLY nice. The main one who is in charge of everything was super-friendly. She's a SpEd teacher, so she was all on the floor, playing with Isaiah. He took right to her, and hugged her right away. Lots of paperwork. Felt like I was signing over my soul, not requesting an evaluation. LOL. She said that while he's VERY bright and does have great receptive skills, she does feel like he has a delay, expecially since he's not using any consonant sounds. She's going to talk to the speech therapist and we're going to have an official evaluation here at the house next Tuesday. And if need be, set up an IEP for future services. After today's meeting, I'm feeling a lot more confident in my decision. It seems they focus on teaching the parent how to work with the child through their daily routine. Which is what I'm all about. It's NOT going to be him going to a strange place with a strange person, sitting down at a little desk, doing flashcards. Actually, how she was describing it, it was really meshing with my thoughts on unschooling, so that was reassuring. I'll keep post an update after the evaluation, as well as progress!


Meredith said...

I'm glad to hear it went well, and that you feel good about your decision :)

I know I often feel like I'm apologising as I get my clients to do all the paperwork we have them sign-- and sometimes they are signing away things like some of their privacy. But of course I make sure they know that beforehand.

Jaime said...

Hello! I just stumbled upon your blog somehow via Etsy... I'm curious to hear how things are going with your son's speech. I was recently told that my 2yr old son needed to see a speech therapist. I'm bookmarking your blog for later reading....