Sunday, January 17, 2010

Saving the Earth, one cloth diaper at a time!

Using disposable diapers has a horrendous impact on the environment, to the tune of creating an estimated metric ton of waste for each child by the time they are potty-trained. I've had 3 children in 3 years. I can not fathom looking out the window and having a THREE TON pile mountain of soiled diapers in our backyard. Especially one that would take approximately 500 years to decompose.

And let's not forget the resources it takes to create disposable diapers in the first place- manufacturers use over 1 million metric tons of wood pulp and 75,000 metric tons of plastic each year. And that's not including the chemicals used, such as sodium polyacralate, dioxin, and stearyl alcohol.

Using cloth diapers is much more environmentally-friendly, even after you take into account their manufacturing process and washing routines. There are many other benefits as well, such as being healthier for your baby, saving you [lots of] money, and being so gosh darn CUTE! (Future blog posts on all of those points coming soon.)

If you have any questions about using cloth diapers, feel free to ask, and I will try my best to help! ^.^

Pictured above is my 18mo Oliver, wearing an embellished fleece soaker I made. They are also available in my Etsy shop.


Jessie Kaitlin said...

I love that fleece soaker! It is so cute :)

KeriAnne said...

The fleece soakers are adorable. We have a Pumpkin Butt one, and just LOVE it!

Bawissa AKA Melissa said...

Cloth diapers are also better for those on a budget. They may be more expensive to start out, but they save a lot in the long run.

Anonymous said...

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Amy @ Six Flower Mom said...

So cute! I love cloth diapers!

Jenn said...

i always use cloth when they are newborn and baby but usually once they hit 1 1/2 or so, i give it up. :( gracie is using the potty pretty often, so hopefully she'll be trained soon.

Angie said...

sOOO CUTE I am sort of sad that I just packed up our cloth diapers for Dallas Renee, she doesn't even need them at night. Weird to be depressed over not needing to change a diaper isn't it?

SoMo said...

I wish I would have used CDs when I first saw them when pregnant with my first. The price scared me and there wasn't much information at that time. I guess it is better for the third kid than not at all, right?

A friend mentioned she didn't use CDs, because of the cost of electricity and water. I think I am spending maybe an extra $20 per water bill, which comes every other month. As for electricity, I think we use more with the a/c than the dryer and I usually hang the shells. Still much cheaper than disposables.

The best part is that we just had a CD store open in our area. Owner is nice and she offers classes, as well, as taking used diapers for others to use.